Three Men In An Elevator

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By FreshDi

Three Men In An Elevator

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By FreshDi

            The elevator door opened on the 30th floor and Baker stepped in. Two men in suits stood at the back, casually chatting. The man in the gray suit had stopped in a liquor store for cigarettes that morning and retold his experience to the man in the blue suit. They had to be lawyers. The elevator was on the way down and the only business in Winton Tower above thirty was a highly reputable law firm. 

            “They had pictures of shoplifters plastered on the outside of the store window. I couldn’t believe it,” said gray suit.

“Really?” asked blue suit. “Just pictures?”

“Nope. Above them in big bold letters was the sentence ‘Shoplifters are not welcome here.’”

Blue suits eyes opened wide. “Holy enchilada! Do liquor stores have money?”

“Yes. And the owners appear to be Middle Eastern, which is excellent. It’s a little harder to go after Indians. They spread their money and ownership across business entities.”

Baker stood in front of the lawyers, facing the closed door as the elevator made its way down.

“Are you thinking about it?”

“No,” said gray suit. “As tempting as it is, it’s not my specialty and I don’t want to go through the trouble of figuring out who these victim are. But it’s solid.” 

The elevator stopped at the 23rd floor and the doors opened. The lawyers put their conversation on hold while a young woman holding an unzipped insulated tote stepped in next to Baker and turned around. He figured she must have delivered a meal to one of the many companies in the building. The doors closed.

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Comments (3)

  • grayghostwriter says:

    I suppose the point of this so called *story* is to slander and denigrate attorneys, but the author missed the mark. The non-lawyer protagonist demonstrates that he is the only flawed one. Grow up FreshDi.

  • Robert says:

    Whether or not the main character is an animal or not does not make the lawyers any less atrocious.

  • Robert says:

    How would you like it if you owned a business, someone stole from you and you couldn’t even try to embarrass them for fear of being sued? I bet you would be singing a different tune then