The Crisis at Starfleet Academy

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By Jalex

The Crisis at Starfleet Academy

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By Jalex

Stardate: 39411.7


Earth calendar: April 11, 2298


Internal Starfleet memo: Species relations at Starfleet Academy – a new crisis.


It is of the utmost importance that the contents of this memo not expand beyond the preview of Starfleet Academy’s Inner Council. It divulges the details of the current crisis preceded by the long history of events at the Academy that contributed to its birth. Several points of embarrassment and possible legal action could result if it were to go public. Again, all portions of this memo are to remain strictly confidential. 




Historically, humans made up the vast majority of the academy student body. Although Starfleet opened the curriculum and welcomed aliens – humanoid and otherwise – to apply, few did. The token alien presence was usually the offspring of ambassadors from other worlds. Their time with us was often less than two years and while most were on par with human intelligence, some scored repeatedly higher or lower than earthlings on standardized tests. 


Those students who routinely performed worse than their human classmates were treated well and remained respected as was outlined in the Starfleet Academy Code of Conduct. Their poor scores and lack of progress could be attributed to various factors depending on the species: cultural differences, environmental factors (i.e. inability to exist in Earth’s atmosphere without technological help), etc. Humans generally encouraged these academically weaker classmates and often aided them with their studies.


The aliens that clearly outshone the humans were few and far between. If certain members of the student body were envious of these outliers, they remained professional and friendly and relations among species stayed strong and pleasant overall. 


However, this changed drastically when Vulcans accepted Starfleet’s Open Academy invitation and began to enroll. Their numbers grew so rapidly that within a few years, these honorable allies made up fifteen percent of the student body. Every class contained a hand full of Vulcans who nearly always claimed the top scores and overall grades. As such, the best assignments offered to academy graduates went to Vulcans 99.4% of the time.

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