Shadow People

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By John

Shadow People

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By John

   "Hellooo, I can help your son."

   He probably wasn't talking to me, which was good, because I didn't want to do anything other than make my way home after a long day. Also, it wasn't a topic I wanted to cover with a stranger.

   "Hey!" He tried again. "I can help. He's having problems and I can make 'em a lot better."

   I glanced towards the speaker and was unhappy to find him staring back at me. "Are you talking to me?"

   "Yes," he said. There was either a touch of sadness or just a lack of energy in his voice. The sun shone off a plexiglass covered map of the train system, partially silhouetting the man's features. More weirdos than ever rode Light Rail these days and he was probably just another one with poor social skills. But he tapped my gut with a thin cold finger by evoking my son. In fact I had exactly one son and no daughters. I assumed his phrasing to be a guess with a high probability of being correct. Lots of people had sons after all. All the same I looked hard into his face for some seconds before turning back to my business, which was staring out a window on the opposite side of the car.

   "I don't like trains," he said. I could feel he was still looking at me. "Too many people with toooo many shadows."

   "Maybe you should ride a bike," I offered coldly.

   "Nooo." The word rolled slowly out, as if he were contemplating the mechanics of my suggestion. "That wouldn't do. I need to talk to you."

   I continued to stare out the window. "Look. I'm not interested. I've had a hectic day and don't want to talk."

   "Ahhhh." Another syllable stretched out uncomfortably. After an equally awkward pause, he said, "I can make the nightmares not so bad."

   This snapped my head around. "Go away!"

   "I don't mean trouble. I mean what I say. You're boy has always had bad nightmares, yes?"

   Yes he had. Ever since he was a few years old and gathered concepts like that of ghosts, monsters, and of the general unknown, my son Josh woke up screaming several times each night for years on end. Brenda, my wife became traumatized and it greatly affected her sleep. To save her sanity I built a room for my son in the garage - far enough away that the piercing cries found our ears as the calls of strange, distant birds searching for comfort in the night. I would rise, go to my son and rock him back to sleep. Sometimes it took hours. My wife's bubbly spirit returned over time and with perseverance our family was saved.

    Not that my solution was without a price. Struggling to stay awake and functional at work became difficult with so little sleep and some days the bathroom mirror showed the sparkless eyes of a man waiting for his days to run out. I nearly crashed my car twice and fell asleep once behind the wheel at a traffic light. Afterwards I resolved to travel to the office by train. Most days I could grab a seat, allowing me to set the alarm on my watch and catch a quick nap.

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