Group Write: Halloween Soup

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By John

Group Write: Halloween Soup

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By John


It was soup again, of course. They were in a rut. Ever since Wanda stopped cooking, all they had eaten for dinner was soup, because that was the only thing Dean knew how to prepare. Each night brought a new flavor or color. Sometimes they were spicy and sometimes fairly tame. Some tasted bland and some were delicious, but it had been over a month. No matter how good it was when it poured out of the can, it was still soup.

He was quite sure that she was sick of it too, but had apparently had enough of his attitude and refused to go anywhere near the stove.

Dean wished he hadn’t bitched about her cooking so often. However, he was not the kind of guy that liked to admit he was wrong.

He exhaled quietly and lifted the spoon full of green liquid to his mouth. It was terrible. He forced it down and then stared into his bowl. Something was visible just beneath the surface of the lumpy goo.


He fished around for it casually at first.  It was elusive. The currents of varying shades of gross green swirled as his spoon circled, scooped and sloshed.  As the moments went by he became more agitated, and now it was his anger that lurked beneath his surface.  The anger that led to most of the problems in his life, including his new role as house chef.  


“Detective,” he addressed a man in a brown blazer scribbling madly on a notepad. “How many kids saw this?”

“Eleven, boss,” replied Detective Handly.

“Terrible. They’ll be scarred for life.”

Edmunds took his hat off and ran a hand over his quickly graying hair.

“Get the names of all those kids and put them in the national database,” he said. “At least half will end up with emotional or social problems. The NSA needs to keep tabs on them from now on.”

Handley nodded and continued scribbling.

The sheriff stepped off of the entryway tile and down onto the orange shag carpet of the sunken living room. The decor of the house was purposely 70’s chic, which was making a comeback of sorts, but he didn’t even notice. His attention was on the bloated naked man hanging upside down in the center of the room. A ceiling fan, seemingly ripped off it’s moorings, lay in a corner. The electric wires which formerly powered the device descended from the popcorn ceiling and wrapped snugly around the dead man’s discolored big toes. Edmonds found it amazing that they were strong enough to hold such a large man without breaking. He must have weighed close to 300 pounds.


“Where am I!”

“That’s not important.”

“Why is it so dark?!” she cried to the strange voice nearby.

“So I can see if anything is glowing.”

Click. Brightness from directly above Wanda illuminated her body. She was still blind to her surroundings, since it shown strongly on her face.

“Please!” Her voice was high and she was on the verge of tears. “Let me see you!”

“Certainly”, the voice said in a soft lisp.

A few clicks later the overhead light was replaced by standard fluorescent tubes on the high ceiling. Wanda looked about to find that she was strapped to a wide table. The top of which contained a drain and a raised lip ran around the outer edge. Various computerish things and medical looking devices sat on wheeled carts nearby.


Danny grabbed something that looked like salad tongs and fished around inside Wanda. He again retrieved the green sack and deposited it into a glass receptacle. Then he calmly cleaned and band-aided his finger.

“Hey Poindexter, did you forget that you sliced a giant hole in me?”

“Oh, sorry miss”, he said sheepishly. “I have to follow protocol or I could get fired.”

Wanda rolled her eyes.

Danny quickly pulled on fresh latex gloves and turned his attention back to the gaping hole in her stomach. He grabbed a clear plastic tube attached to a flexible hose and poked it into her gut. A whirling noise emanated from somewhere below the table and blood and green goo started up the hose.

“What are you doing!” Wanda demanded over the noise.

Danny said nothing and continued vacuuming.


What the hell am I doing? JJ thought. I am about to attack another brother in uniform, and for what? I don’t even know that weirdo in the cave? And why was he in a wheelchair? He can walk and run when he wants to. Why?

JJ quietly backed into some bushes to watch and think.

The soldier in camouflage was clearly well trained like JJ. He could tell something was amiss and prodded the bushes and rocks with his automatic rifle.

JJ wasn’t used to thinking about people and their strange motivations. It was part of the reason he went off the grid. Life was so much simpler this way. He scrunched his brow in concentration and an idea came to him.

The guy I hid in the cave is trying to be something he’s not. He wants people to think he can’t walk… so they’ll feel sorry for him. He’s a poser. … This is stolen valor! He mimics the struggle of the lame and the crippled and generally defective!

Anger for the imposter welled up in JJ. He watched as the soldier pushed aside some thick brush, uncovering a narrow cave entrance. He felt content to remain hidden and let things unfold. The soldier snapped on a small, but powerful light and attached it to his rifle. He entered the cave ready to shoot.


Where the fuck is that asshole, Dean, Wanda wondered. I need to get my hands on a phone and give him a call. Then something occurred her.

“Danny! Please! I’ll do whatever you want. Just please don’t let this old geezer have his way with me.”

Gardino’s toothy smile turned into a wide frown. Wanda reached back through the door and took Danny’s wiry hand.  Gardino grunted and tried to hold her close, but even a scrawny kid like Danny easily outmatched his strength.

No! Gardino thought. This was just like his entire life all over again - robbed of satisfaction. His bosses in the government had always conspired to keep him down just like his professors had back in school. He should have been valedictorian in high school and should now be running the entire Alien-Human Cross Biohazard division instead of working as a lowly tech. Now this ungrateful, pointy-haired kid was going to pull a double-cross and keep the girl for himself.

No! He thought again. The Viagra had already kicked in. He didn’t want to settle for the love in the morgue any longer. If memory served, warm girls were so much better.

Gardino held on as tightly as he could, but his old arms proved no match for the combination of Danny and Wanda working against him. He grasped at the last semblance of possible pleasure by pressing the bulge in his pants against the top of her head as it slipped back through the door. He choked down a cry in the back of his throat.


“Fuck you! You homo cave dweller.” Dean’s words were coming back, but he still didn’t have access to his full verbal arsenal. He felt gay slurs were beneath him  - in fact, he had even been a little bi-curious in college - but he couldn’t think of any other potentially wounding phrases. And his ass still hurt.

“You didn’t save me you dirty bastard!” Dean continued, shouting now. “You used my body for your sexual amusement!”

Confusion crossed the naked man’s face, followed closely by annoyance. “I did save your life and I don’t like man-butt and I don’t like talking.” He quickly squatted and sprang back up with fistfulls of cave dirt he tossed in the air.

Dean screamed through the rain of dirt and dead bugs, “Then why am I wearing someone else’s underwear and why does my ass hurt!!”

“Cuz you pooped your pants when the army fried your nipples and I don’t want poop in my cave! I was a nice guy and gave you my shorts. But first I had to put a rock in your crack so to stop the anal leakage.”

Some of the remaining unsettled dust landed in Dean’s open mouth as he processed what he had just heard.

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