Fireside Inn

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By John

Fireside Inn

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By John

Our room was on the third floor of the bed and breakfast facing north. While we didn’t have a clear view of the ocean, the beautiful little town of Mendocino lay before us.

The room had clearly been part of the attic at one point, but the old house had been renovated and now our half of the top floor had its own bathroom and fireplace.

Since our arrival had been fairly late, Kelly and I quickly unpacked and ventured out to find food. A light fog drifted about the quaint buildings and appeared to gather around the old fashioned street lamps. We entered one of the restaurants established in a house from the 1800’s and were immediately greeted by the friendly staff.

Our waitress was chatty and filled us in on all her little town had to offer. Dinner was a fully enjoyable event. Only one odd moment passed. I had my eyes on the baked salmon I was devouring when she asked my wife where we were staying. When Kelly replied, the following silence made me look up. Our waitress’s face held almost no expression. “Oh, that’s nice”, she finally replied, now looking a little uncomfortable.

But a second later the smile was back and she smoothly changed the subject.

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