Chilly Night

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By John

Chilly Night

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By John

John Locke bundled up, attached the leash to Boomer’s collar and stepped out into the icy night. After the sun set it cooled down so fast the puddles on the walk were already frozen. They had only made it a few houses away when he heard a call – “Johnny!”

It sounded like Margaret, but he was bundled up so well he wasn’t sure where it came from. John pulled his hood back and listened. He looked back toward his house, but saw no-one there. If it was Margaret, she would have to be outside, it was far too clear to have come from inside the house.

It puzzled him. Maybe one of the neighbors had called out, but he didn’t see any of them either. He and Boomer were the only ones on the street. Boomer’s walk would have to wait.

“Come on boy,” he said, tugging the leash. “Let’s go back and check on mom.”

Upon reaching the driveway, John wrapped the leash around the bumper of his pickup. “I’ll be right back boy.”

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