Chapter 1: The Girl I Knew

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By Jalex

Chapter 1: The Girl I Knew

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By Jalex


            Darren was supposed to pick me up, but got into a fight with his brother and ended up grounded. One of the most anticipated parties of the year and he misses it because he lost his temper. What an idiotic thing to do, especially for him. 

            Darren’s dad is nice and funny, but he’s a red-neck and it drives Darren nuts. To avoid connection to anything ‘hillbilly’ in the eyes of others, Darren acts the total opposite with his tight skinny jeans and fancy artisan coffee. He portrays himself as being too cerebral to bother with anything as crude as a fist fight.

            The real tragedy here is that he was my ride. I’m not exactly one of the coolest kids at Perrimon High and certainly not a jock. I can’t just call and tell someone to come and get me. Well, other than Quinn and Eric. 

            I hear the phone ring and Quinn picks up. “Hey, where are you?” I say, but I know by the sound in the background that he’s already there. 

            “We’re at the party. Where in the hell are you guys?” 

            “Darren got grounded.” 

            “Ha Haaaa!” Quinn yells. “What an idiot!”


I found the guys leaning up against the kitchen counter, discussing what beer was best to serve at a party. They seemed to have agreed on some gross dark beer I’d never heard of. 

At 6’3” and over 240 pounds, Quinn was by far my largest friend. He has a tough time remembering when to use his indoor voice, especially when he drinks. Eric has short brown spiky hair and claims his Italian heritage allows him to out-drink anyone in the school. He does seem to maintain the appearance of sobriety many drinks after everyone else has gone loopy.

Both really enjoy their beer and are somewhat overweight. 

Quinn spotted me and his deep voice cut through all other conversations in the room. “Look who’s here!”

            “Hey, you made it,” Eric said with a shit-eating grin. 

            “Yeah. No thanks to you,” I replied. 

            “Come on. You know I would pick you up if I wasn’t drinking.”

            There was no slur to his speech, but his heavy eyelids made the case that he probably wasn’t lying and had been fairly liquored up from the get-go. 

            “OK,” I said, letting him off the hook. “The last thing I need is your drunk ass driving across town to get me. You would probably get lost anyway.”

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