Aggressives Below

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By John

Aggressives Below

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By John

    Good. The company commanders were already moving to the front of the transport. Time was short and Colonel Per Raynne had only minutes earlier learned the mission details.

    “Listen up” he began, “General Parker wants me to impress upon you how important this is. The So-Nari will be closely watching and our actions may help determine earth’s place among them.

    “They reached out to us because they lack an effective ground force, and we will prove their trust in us sound.”

    He not only sounded confident, he was. His men had more than proven themselves in the Afghanistan mountains and Iraqi deserts. The closest thing to a shortfall was that they could be too aggressive and needed to be held back from time to time.

    “We’re about to touch down on a mining planet about 90% the size of earth. The Lerrine raided this system a few weeks ago and before being driven off, managed to land a small ground force. Don’t be fooled by their numbers though. They easily killed all garrison troops and miners and have been systematically destroying some sort of very important ore since then. It’s been made clear to us that it is absolutely critical that those bastards be stopped ASAP. Normally they would simply pulverize it all from orbit and collapse the network of tunnels, but the loss of the mine would apparently be extremely bad for the war effort.”

    It had been only two weeks since a So-Nari armada appeared in orbit above earth. Per Raynne remembered the feeling in the pit of his stomach when military analysts suggested that these were in fact warships circling the planet. Their abilities far outmatched anything the U.S., Russia, China or anyone else could muster. Luckily though, they weren’t looking for a fight, but actually wanted help.

    An alliance of four species, they wanted us to join their war against the Lerrine, a species attempting some sort of conquest and colonization of this part of the galaxy. There were still communication problems between So-Nari and humans, but it was understood that the Lerrine were quick, strong and rather mean.

    “No problem,” Per Raynne thought. He had spent time with representative soldiers of each of the new allies and thought a 20 pound dog could overwhelm three of the four. The last species was large and quite strong, but slow and clearly lacked any sort of fighting instinct. It seemed they evolved perfectly suited for cracking something that translated to “plant pods”, which made Per Raynne think of coconuts. Compared to them, his battle tested troops were great white sharks among guppies.

    Also, it was a near certainty that the Lerrine didn’t even know earth existed, and should be rudely surprised when the first combat teams hit them. Unfortunately, the 3rd Battalion would receive that honor. His 1st would follow the same path down into the planet a full 30 minutes behind. Hopefully they would arrive before hostilities ended and his disappointed men had to settle for mop up duties.

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