About Time

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By Jillpf

About Time

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By Jillpf

Driving home on the 85 freeway at 5:55 PM Tuesday night is when I decided "I'm going to move to the country!".  I couldn't bare another year of smelling exhaust fumes as the commute grew worse and worse, even after the widening of the freeway.  And why did I ever buy a car with a manual transmission?!  

Being single, I didn't need to talk a spouse into the idea.  Scared to death, yes!  Excited for a new adventure, yes! 

Ever since I could remember, I've loved the idea of walking the neighborhood after dinner and saying hi to the folks sitting on their porch swings.  And likewise, I wanted to have a porch swing and a porch to put it on.  It sounds like a nice place for an after dinner drink too, be it lemonade or whiskey.  Oh maybe I could learn to bake pies and bring them to the neighbors.  

I was lost in visions of what my new life would look like as I pulled into my garage. But before I moved to a new home, I figured I should go through my stuff and get rid of the things I didn't need. As the garage door lowered I stepped out of my AMC Gremlin and popped the hatchback. I smiled at the big bottle of medicine and grabbed it by the neck. That's when I felt something close around my ankle. I screamed and dropped the bottle. Medicine went all over the garage floor. A scabby, but very strong arm was pinched between the garage door and the cement floor. A muffled "Ouch ouch!" came from the other side of the door. "My medicinals!!" I screamed and picked up a piece of the shattered bottle. Quickly running the glass over the crusty knuckles wrapped tightly around my ankle, I yelled "dammit Tim, you owe me a bottle of Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey!"  

Tim hated to see the alcohol spilled all over the floor.  He's all "Oh man sorry.  I hate to see alchohol go to waste, but doesn't it smell good? Let me make it up to you and take you out for drinks every night this week!", he laughed with his smokers cough.  Yes Tim is an alcholic, pot smoking character.  There is no way I'd even go for one drink with him!!  My mind started to wonder "I wonder what characters I'll meet when I move to the country?"

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Comments (2)

  • jillpf says:

    What the heck is medicine with a long neck? That totally confused me until you mentioned JD.

  • marylyn says:

    I wrote something to add to the story from here…but invite doesn’t work. so I sent a message to John, but can you invite me again?