
Writers – how to begin writing on FireSideEpic:

  1. Create an account:
    • Click the Register link at the top of the FireSideEpic portal.
    • At the Register screen either enter your name, email address and password or click one of the social media buttons to sign in using your Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn or Twitter accounts.
  2. Once you have an account, you can log in. You will then be brought to your profile page.
  3. When ready, click the Burn Story link at the top of the page.
  4. Enter a few details about your epic (you can change them later if you like).
    • Title – name your fantastic work
    • Category – pick the one that is the best match
    • Language – so far we are limited to English and French. You are welcome to try other languages, but can’t guarantee that we will handle the character sets correctly
    • Status
      • Unfinished – lets people know this is a work in progress
      • Completed – it’s ready for prime time!
      • Deleted – this won’t be available for the public to see
    • Copyright – see the Copyright Information page.
    • Experience – adsf
    • Share
      • Select – you select the people that can collaborate with you on this story
      • Yes – anyone can add to this story
      • No – no one but you can work on this story
    • Invite to complete story – If you selected “Share – Select” above, then add the email addresses of the people you want to invite to write with you.
    • Select Image – you have the option to add an image to your work
    • Tags – a few key words or phrases that will help search engines find your work
    • Chapter 1 – the beginning of your story/poem/script/epic…