About Us

We love to write and love to read the works of others. Writing solo is fun, but we really get a kick out of working our creative muscles with other people. Is everything we do a masterpiece? Ha! No way. Many times it’s laughably bad. And that is GOOD in its own way.

We wanted a location to share our individual writing as well as a convenient place to pass the ball back and forth. Nothing on the internet quite matched what we wanted, so we created FireSideEpic.

FireSideEpic is a place to create and share stories, poems, novels, and even song lyrics. You can write an entire epic yourself or select specific people to join you. You can even invite the public to participate with comments or let them jump in and run with a storyline. It’s completely up to you!

  • Write something by yourself. This, of course, is the traditional single person writing style. You can decide whether or not to have a comments section. Once you are done, you can easily share you work on social media or keep it to yourself.
  • Write a collaboratively. Select others potential writers via their email address or login name to join the fun. I like to write a few pages and then pass it off to a friend. It’s always exciting to see where he or she has takes things. Did he kill off my favorite character or introduce a new one? Do I find myself in a literary corner and must now write my way out?
    If that’s not for you, a story can be structured any way you like. Perhaps you and your friends will each be responsible for a characteristic of the tale – plot, character development, polish, etc.
    Or write the chorus to a future hit and let a friend start on the lyrics. You are only limited by your creativity.

You may be a seasoned, published author or putting figurative pen to paper for the first time. All are welcome!